ProdigyGamingKings | We are recruiting!!!
Hello everyone, I am here to start recruiting for the PC division for ProdigyGamingKings (PGK). I do own PGK, and am willing to allow anyone who wants to join or has any interest in PGK to join. I am somewhat new to the "PC Community", so all I ask is that you hang in there with me (be patient with me). We do have a TS3 server the IP/Hostname for that is and the PW is pgkgaming18. So please stop in and ask me any questions that you may have, we also have a custom website (under construction at the moment) but when that is done I will post a reply letting everyone know that it is available to be accessed. So please help me out in any way, shape, and/or form possible with the PC community "guidelines". Any new members, tips, hints, or just help overall would be GREAT!! Our TS3 server is ... just join or stop in for any questions you may have! These are our games... Battlefield, CoD, Counter Strike, HomeFront, League of Legends, MineCraft, Quake 3 and live, RuneScape, Starcraft 2, Team fortress 2 and some more. Please fill out the application below...
-Why do you want to join PGK?
-Will you be active daily?
-Do you have teampspeak?
-Will you follow all rules (regardless of rank)?
-What can you do to help PGK?
-Are you willing to donate?
~PGK Revelations~ (Xbox 360) (TS3 name)
~PGKGaming~ (Steam)
~Saepius Exertus, Simper Fidelis, Frater Infinatas!!!~